A man’s life is passed through some stages in a natural process. The stages are infant, childhood, adolescent, youth, and old age. Aging is an inevitable socialization process that starts at birth and ends at death. So, in today’s world, aging comes into focus as a field of study in social science. The elderly population in Bangladesh is growing fast and becoming a big concern from social, economic, and political angles. Such an important issue has not yet been effectively reflected in the policy agenda of the country. In most of the definitions, people above 60 years of age are considered as old and taken to be the elderly segment of the population of the country. In fact, many people in this country become older well before 60 because of poverty, hard inability, and illness due to male nutrition as well as to geographical conditions and rapid urbanization and industrial growth. The latest population census of Bangladesh(2011) showed that 9.28% of its population is elderly [1]. Considering the size of the population, security resources, existing poverty, insufficient health facilities, and absence of social security, aging is going to be a major problem in Bangladesh and it is gradually, emerging as an issue not separate from integration.
1 The business-standard
Elder people are a significant part of the extended population. The elderly population is larger because increasing of life expectancy. According to the United Nations, 1975-2000, within 25 years elder people increased from 36 core to 60 core. In Bangladesh, the increasing rate of elderly population is larger than the survey. This rate will increase in the next decades. The increasing of a huge number of older people face various types of vulnerability like economic, social, and national crises. Moreover, these elder people suffer from old age diseases. Now the elder problem is considered as a serious issue.
With proper significance, various international policies have been formed to focus on health care issues, unable to work, deviation from families, loneliness, etc. of the elder people. Already various plan has been taken to create new policy to overcome any crisis with respect to the older population. According to an international conference in Madrid, they provide some policies so that elderly people can enjoy rights, security, a prestigious life, and participation in social welfare.
Their recommendation for elder people are given below:
Implementation of fundamental freedom and human rights completely.
Secured elder life and reduction of poverty.
Participation in social, political, and economic activities.
Creating opportunities for self-satisfaction and personal development.
Reduction of any sort of discrimination in economic, social, and political right
To ensure health care facilities.
Reduction of discrimination between males and females and ensuring equality between aging males and females.
Utilization of science and technology for personal, social, and health care of elder people.
Bangladesh also certifies Madrid's international plan of action on aging and ensures elder rights, development, and welfare. Bangladesh government has incorporated a national elder care policy [2].
2 International conference in Madrid:
The goal of the policy: To ensure a prestigious life, free from poverty, health, and a secure social life for the aging people.
Objectives of the policy:
The inclusion of ageing matters with important with other policies of the country.
Taking steps for the development of aging people in social, cultural, economic, and the acknowledgment of political contribution.
Opportunity to participate in local government development and social enterprise.
Inclusion of elder health in national health policy.
Enactment of comprehensive protection Act for elder people.
To ensure elders' comfortable rehabilitation.
Social awareness about aging issues.
Reduction of discrimination with respect to elder females and autistic persons.
Who are Older People?
Every person faces aging and it is a normal process of life. There are severe definitions for the term older person according to the United Nations declaration. But Bangladesh considers older who are above 60 years old. At present Bangladesh has about 1.5 million people aged 60 years or more [3].
Situations of Older Persons in Bangladesh:
Bangladesh is a small country but it has a large population. According to the survey of 2022 almost 16 core people live here. The rate of elder citizens has been increasing in recent decades. The opportunity to get proper medical treatment is the key factor for this extended number of elderly citizens. The increasing rate of aging people was 4.98% in 1990 and it reached 6.1% in 2001. It is predicted that the rate will reach 20% in 2050 [4]. The increasing rate of elders is a challenge for our national life.
The main problem of aging people in Bangladesh is health care and economic insolvency. In the past, aging people were respected and taken care of properly. But at the present time, the joint families are divided into micro families. That’s why elder persons are deprived of proper care, and sympathy, feel lonely, and lose their dignity. As a result, they are facing insecurity. Bangladesh's government has taken some steps for elder care. In 1998 old age allowance program was started for poor elder people. Moreover, the government also gives pensions to retired people. But for a perpetual solution, the government should take pragmatic steps.
Elder Person in the Constitution of Bangladesh:
Though the Bangladesh government does not incorporate any article for older people, in Article 15, the constitution says, that all the deprived people shall get proper aid. Such as,
Right to food, clothes, home, education, medical treatment.
Right to work.
Right to proper rest entertainment.
Social Security.
Recognition of the Contribution of Older Person:
Recognition of the contribution of older persons is our moral liability. Because older people are the makers of this civilization. So, some steps should be taken like-
Recognition of the older person in family, economic, and society.
The opportunity of education so that they can contribute to society, economy, politics, culture, and so on.
Showing respect to their social want.
Involving in government and non-government jobs.
Their importance in national, social, and local development shall be focused.
Social Facilities for Older Persons:
To give respect to the older person, government and non-government shall organizations ensure the following facilities -
Recognition as a senior citizen.
Reduction of discrimination in society.
To ensure human rights.
Entrance in education, cultural, and religious activities.
Participation in social and cultural activities.
Identity card for older person gives them extra benefit in various service center.
Daycare service for older persons.
Security in life and property of older persons:
Some steps should be taken to secure the life and property of older persons. Such as —
Imposing the importance of older people in family and society is not neglected, discriminated, or deprived.
Right to property in the family.
Protection of Interest.
Inclusion of older persons in the policy relating to the reduction of poverty.
Identifying the poor older persons and taking necessary steps for them.
The capable older persons shall be trained and given surety of job opportunity.
Universal, non-contributory pension schemes shall be considered for older persons.
Referral service for older persons.
Climate Change and Older Persons in Emergency:
For emergencies, natural disasters, floods, cyclones, river erosion, earthquakes, etc. older people may deviate from family. In this situation following matters shall be focused on —
Emergency mental health services. Identifying the older persons and finding out their situation.
Creating awareness among them.
Preference for aging people for rehabilitation at the time of natural disasters.
The older persons shall be included in various types of disaster management committees.
The knowledge of older persons shall be utilized in climate change.
Education and Training: The aging people shall be educated and trained to save their facilities:
Reduction of discrimination in education for elder people.
Training and education for aging people so that they can be involved in a job after their retirement.
Committees: Several types of committees shall work for the welfare of the aging people. Such as —
National Committee for Older People.
District welfare committee for older people.
Sub-district elder welfare committee.
Union Elder Welfare Committee.
Implementation Strategies: The above recommendations are suggested for better elder life. To implement such recommendations, the following points are mentionable —
Creation of a committee that works for the implementation of national policy.
Taking various programs to protect the rights of aging people, implementation, and evaluation.
The government shall take various programs for aging people.
Preference to the older person in the implementation of national projects.
Older people’s welfare shall be preferred in the national budget.
Research for the welfare of aging people.
Enactment of proper law for the welfare of aging people.
Creating public awareness in mass media [5].
Elder people are part of our population. This period is the last stage of a Human life. In this stage, a man cannot continue his profession because of various obstacles like age, disease, absence of job opportunities, socio-economic conditions, and so on. They need support from other capable family members. But in reality, most of them are deprived of this support. There are various factors for this situation. Urbanization, separation of joint family, and the tendency to live in a micro family are common reasons for the present situation. In a developed country, all fundamental rights and older persons enjoy social privileges.
In our country, the elderly are a common issue. So, for the welfare of aging people, the government has to take necessary steps like old age allowance, education for the elderly, rehabilitation, reduction of gender discrimination among aging people, and establishing the proper legal system. Non-government organizations should also come forward in this respect. Besides, public awareness is essential to make a suitable environment for older persons.
The Parental Care Act of 2013, a law providing social security for the elderly, requires children to take care of their parents. According to the law, children must take care of their parents and take the necessary measures to provide them with food and shelter. Each child must pay 10% of their regular gross income to their parents if they do not live with their parents. Also, if the children are separated, they should see their parents regularly. Also, children can never send their parents to nursing homes against their will. The law allows injured parents to sue their children if they refuse to provide for them [6]. The court of first instance will decide on the violation of the law. Local government representatives such as the president, members, and others authorized by them will take an oath to resolve disputes. There is a fine of two lakh rupees for breaking the law and six months imprisonment in absentia. All parents, including the husband or in-laws, would be treated as transgressors and punished if found guilty of disobeying such support. A recent case, Hawa Begum Vs Manik Uddin [7], is mentionable where the mother sues her son for her maintenance cost [8].
Administration of Elder Care Management in Bangladesh:
The government took initiatives for older people in Bangladesh, such as a pension system, retirement benefits, and some other initiatives under Social Safety Net (SNN), programs, i.e. the Old Age Allowance (OAA), the Allowance for the Widow, Deserted and Destitute Women, the Vulnerable Group Development (VGF) and so on.
Bodies of administration of government elder care:
1. Ward committee
2. Committee on distribution criteria of old age allowance
3. Committee on selection procedure
4. Upazila committee
Functions of the above committees:
1. Ward committee: There are some terms of reference for the ward committee. The ward committee has to provide the report to the Upazila committee. The functions of this committee are:
a) The ward committee will select the old-age allowance recipients in accordance with the implementation manual of the old-age allowance.
b) The ward committee will select the numbers of government servants and pension holders to get old-age allowance.
c) The ward committee will select the number of VGD card holders, and women to get an old-age allowance.
d) The ward committee will submit the list of selected old-age allowance recipients to the Upazila committee for final approval.
2. Committee on distribution criteria of old-age allowance: This committee has to provide a report to the government about the age, income, health condition, socio-economic condition, and non-eligibility of elder care. The functions of this committee are-
i. Priority will be given to those who are physically infirm.
ii. Priority will be given to physically handicapped, mentally handicapped, physically and mentally handicapped, and partially handicapped respectively.
d) Socio-Economic Conditions:
i. Freedom fighters: Priority must be given to the freedom fighters.
ii. Financial condition: Chronologically priority will be given to those who are needy, homeless, and landless.
iii. Social condition: Chronologically priority will be given to those who are widows, divorced, wireless, and detached from family.
iv. Expenditure status: Priority will be given to those who have no savings after expenditure behind foodstuff.
e) Non-Eligibility
i. Recipients of government grants from other sources are not eligible to get old-age allowance.
ii. Regular recipients of grants from any non-governmental organization or social welfare agency are not eligible to get an old-age allowance.
iii. Laborers, maidservants, and vagabonds are not eligible to get an old-age allowance.
b) Candidates for the old-age allowance must have to apply in favor of the Upazila social service officer in a prescribed form.
c) There will be an award committee and an Upazila committee consisting of two representatives of the Local Member of Parliament and in concerned cases one representative of the Upazila chairman.
4. Upazila Committee: The function of the Upazila Committee is that the Upazila Committee will act as an appealed body and be authorized to approve the old-age allowance recipients.
Lacks of administration of government elder care:
a) Lack of proper numbers of ward committees: As the ward committee will submit the list of selection of old-age allowance recipients; this committee, sometimes does not ensure real elder care and a proper number of old-age people.
c) Lack of specialized hospitals: Elderly people in Bangladesh mostly suffer from weakness, failing eyesight, hearing loss, high blood pressure, obstruction pulmonary symptoms, diabetes, heart disease, bone and joint pain, and other age-related illnesses. So, they need specialized hospitals for different diseases. However, the government lacks specialized hospitals for different diseases.
d) Lack of beds for elder care: Upazila health complexes, and public district hospitals have 5 percent of beds allocated for elder care. There are lack of beds for older care.
e) More expenses: The government contributes to one-third of total health costs. The older people have to bear the remaining out-of-pocket expenses.
Recommendations: The following measures should be taken-
1. The elders themselves should be educated in self-care
2. Need to have a detailed survey providing current data on the number and conditions of the aged.
3. Increase NGO services such as outdoor and indoor healthcare
4. Increase large-scale social security programs like pensions, old-age allowance, and healthcare
5. Implement recommendations of various international plans of action on aging and political declaration and Madrid International Plan of Action on aging.
6. Retirement age should be increased to 65 years to create opportunities.
7. Establishment of recreational facilities for old people.
Elder Care Management in Bangladesh:
From a chronological perspective, medical treatment of the geriatrics starts from the age of 65 years old. Geriatric means old or elderly people who are above the age of 65 generally. Geriatric care management or elder care management is the process of planning and coordinating care of the elderly and others with physical and mental impairments. These cares are given to them to improve their quality of life and maintain their independence for the betterment of life. This is known as senior healthcare management. Elder care managers accomplish this management by developing and integrating their healthcare and psychological care with other needed services such as housing, home care services, nutritional services, assistance with activities of daily living, socialization programs, as well as financial and legal planning. This management is being conducted by registered nurses, and then a physical assessment can be included in elderly health issues. Professional care managers not only help elderly people but also their family members to cope with the challenges of aging by identifying their needs, and problems and reviewing their financial, legal, and medical issues. If they seem fit, they provide specialists to avoid future problems.
In some developed countries, elder care management is been funded by the states. This management is becoming an urgent need in the present world because retirement communities are increasing day by day. Though we say that our world is a global village, our elderly people are getting disconnected very much from their family members. We are getting far away from the elderly population for our higher education, earning money, betterment of living, etc. According to the United States Department of Health and Human Services, the older population – persons 65 years or older – numbered 39.6 million in 2009. By 2030, there will be about 72.1 million older persons, more than twice the number in 2000 [9].
In some developing countries like India, Nepal, and Bangladesh, parents are typically cared for by their children into old age, most commonly by their sons. Using data on health and living conditions from India's 60th National Sample Survey, a study found that almost a fourth of the elderly reported poor health. Reports of poor health were clustered among the poor, single, lower-educated, and economically inactive groups. Article 41 of the Indian constitution states that elderly citizens [10] will be guaranteed Social Security support for health care and welfare. A section of the 1973 Criminal Procedure Code[11], alluding to its traditional background, mandates that children support their parents if they no longer protect themselves. In Nepal, The Senior Citizens Health Facilities Program Implementation Guideline, 2061BS provides medical facilities to the elderly, and free medicines as well as health care to people who are poverty-stricken in all districts but being developing nations, they sometimes are not able to fulfill all their planning and programs.[12]
There are distinctions between medical and non-medical care, the latter not being provided by medical professionals and much less likely to be covered by insurance or public funds. Sometimes medical care is given only though they need non-medical social care also. The members of their families and their relatives face communication difficulties in dealing with them. It is becoming a concern for us to have elderly members in our families. Sometimes they are scared of losing their independence. Older adults who require assistance with activities of daily living are at a greater risk of losing their independence with self-care tasks as dependent personal behavior is often met with reinforcement from caregivers. So, psychological health care is also needed with physical health care and the two have the same importance. It is done by making elderly people comfortable by communicating with them properly which is known as “full-time home care” or “24/7 home care” in the medical sense. They require regular attention and should be considered by a healthcare management team to achieve their health goals. As older they get, they experience more age-related changes and geriatric changes and it will become an important part of their medical regimen.[13]
Besides medical care, they also need mental care from their family members and neighbors. Physical wellness depends on mental fitness most of the time. By researching developing countries we can see that, though an elderly person of a sophisticated family gets the best medical care and support, they are being neglected by facing denial from the other members of the family. It creates a psychological breakdown for them. They need the time, affection, and attention of close relatives besides medical support. A person especially one who is elderly cannot live a sound and peaceful life without mental health care.
In the perspective of Bangladesh, both medical and psychological care are a crying need for our elderly people. We can presume that medical and mental care of our elder people cannot be done properly in our country. People now are not concerned with elder care management. The mass population is unknown with the term “elder care management” also. Besides this, they are not well established enough to afford a medical health team for an elderly person because of their high maintenance costs. In some previous years, elder care management could not be done properly for pandemics like COVID-19 in the whole world. So Bangladesh is not an exception. In those years social and physical distance were maintained strictly and elderly people lost their mental strength badly. The growth rate of the elderly population is 2.2 percent per annum, whereas the working-age population growth rate is only 0.5 percent per annum [14]. The elderly population will therefore be increasingly prominent in Bangladesh's health structure. To give attention to the elderly people of Bangladesh, The Parent Care Act, 2013 was enacted. Act, Rules, regulations, etc. are created but enforcement of those regulation are not being done properly. As child care management training is given importance, elder care management should also be given importance by other members of the elders. Besides this, younger members of families should educate themselves about their mental health conditions and how to manage and protect their mental care.
Right of Older Persons in Nursing Homes:
the transfer is for the person’s welfare, and the person’s needs cannot be met by the service provider;
the person’s health is improved sufficiently so that services are no longer needed;
the person’s health and safety or the health and safety of others would be endangered if the transfer or discharge was not made;
the service provider ceases to operate or to participate in the program that reimburses the
service provider for the person’s treatment or care; or
after reasonable and appropriate notices, the person fails to pay for services.
If you know of any elderly person threatened with discharge from a nursing home, and none of these legal reasons apply, call the Texas Department of Aging and Disability Services or this office.
Rights to make other legal decisions and documents an elderly person may-
make a living will by executing a directive under the Advance Directives Act, Health and Safety Code;
execute a medical power of attorney under the Advance Directives Act;
designate a guardian in advance of the need to make decisions regarding the person’s health care should the person become incapacitated;
health and safety of others would be endangered if the transfer or discharge was not made.
the service provider ceases to operate or to participate in the program that reimburses the service provider for the person’s treatment or care. Or
after reasonable and appropriate notices, the person fails to pay for services.
Except in an emergency, a service provider may not transfer or discharge an elderly person from a residential facility until 30 days after the service provider gives written notice to the person, the person’s legal representative, or a member of the person’s family stating that-
the service provider intends to transfer or to discharge the person;
the reason for the transfer or discharge (listed above);
the effective date of the transfer or discharge;
if the person is to be transferred, the location where the person will be transferred; and
the person’s right to appeal the action and to whom the appeal should be directed.
If the elderly person is in a Medicaid-certified nursing home, the Texas Health and Human Services
In an emergency, (for example, when the health or safety of other residents is jeopardized by the elderly person's continued presence), a resident could be transferred to a hospital or another appropriate place for treatment without notice or a hearing.
If you know of any elderly person threatened with discharge from a nursing home, and none of these legal reasons apply, call the Texas Health and Human Services Commission or file an online consumer complaint with the Texas Attorney General.
Some common rights of an elder person:
make a Right to reside in their home as long as possible;
Right for their need and limitations;
Right to have access to free health / medical care;
Right to special and appropriate care;
Right, to immediate aid in the event of disaster and emergencies;
Right, to live in an environment that is safe and adaptable to personal preferences and changing capacities;
Right to opportunities for work or access to other income-generating opportunities;
Right to remain integrated in the society;
Right to organize;
Right to pursue opportunities for the full development of their potential;
Freedom from exploitation and physical or mental abuse
Existing Measures Protecting and Promoting Human Rights of the Elderly:
Establishment of the National Federation of Senior Citizens of the Philippines (NFSCAP) devolution of the total family approach program SEA Family enterprise Community service to the elderly through some NGO organizations establishment of the homes for the aged in various regions passage of RA 7432 which provides for the establishment of the Senior Citizens affairs in the cities and municipalities passage of RA 7876 known as the Senior Citizens Acts Establishing day care centers for the senior citizens in every municipality. The Right of elderly persons to Social Security Article 23 tackles age discrimination outside employment in different areas, namely access to goods, facilities and services, healthcare, education, insurance and banking, participation in policy-making/civil dialogue, allocation of resources, and facilities. The Committee considers that an adequate legal framework is fundamental to combat such discrimination.
Article 23 also requires States Parties to take appropriate measures against elder abuse. These measures may be legislative or otherwise and should allow States to evaluate the extent of the problem and to raise awareness of the need to eradicate elder abuse and neglect. Under Article 23, pensions and other state benefits must be sufficient to allow elderly persons to lead a ‘decent life’ and play an active part in public, social, and cultural life. Furthermore, States must provide information about the services and facilities available for elderly persons such as home-help services, daycare centers, housing services, and cultural, educational, and leisure activities. The needs of elderly persons must be addressed in national or local housing policies, backed by law. The supply of adequate housing for them must be sufficient and adequate. As for healthcare, Article 23 requires that healthcare programs and services (notably primary care including domiciliary nursing or care) specifically designed for the elderly must exist alongside guidelines thereon. In addition, there should be mental health programs to tackle the psychological problems of the elderly.[15]
The rights of elderly persons living in institutions must also be guaranteed: the right to appropriate care and adequate services, the right to privacy, the right to personal dignity, the right to participate in decisions concerning the living conditions in the institution, the protection of property, the right to maintain personal contact with persons close to the elderly person and the right to complain about treatment and care in institutions. There should be a sufficient supply of institutional facilities for elderly persons (public or private), they should be affordable, and assistance must be available to cover the cost.
For more on Article 23 of the Charter and its interpretation by the European Committee of Social Rights, see the Digest of the case law. What are the responsibilities of elderly people? The responsibilities of the elderly entail the making of productive contributions to society. This is appropriate for a longer active phase of life, one that involves paid work, as well as volunteer activities and informal care.[16]
What is Section 23 of the Senior Citizens Act?
(1) Where any senior citizen who, after the commencement of this Act, has transferred by way of gift or otherwise, his property, subject to the condition that the transferee shall provide the basic amenities and basic physical needs to the transferor and such transferee refuses or fails to provide such amenities.[17]
What are the six principles important in treating older adults?
In the care of the elderly patient, eleven essential principles should be considered:
1. the role of the physician as the integrator of the biopsychosocial-spiritual model;
2. continuity of care;
3. the bolstering of the family and home;
4. good communication skills;
5. a sound doctor-patient relationship;
6. the dignity and respect.
What are the laws protecting the rights of the elderly?
What are the rights violated in the elderly?
Millions of older people around the globe experience human rights violations every year, ranging from age-based discrimination and social and political exclusion to abuses in nursing facilities, neglect in refugee camps, and barriers to healthcare and other essential services.
What is the importance of knowing about elderly persons'?
Respect for older people's rights benefits society as a whole. Violations of the rights of older people lead to exclusion, poverty, and discrimination of older people. Yet, older people make key contributions to any society through their experience and wisdom.
What is the Older Persons Act in South Africa?
The Older Persons Act, of 2006 is intended to protect, promote, and maintain the status, rights, well-being, and security of older persons. It is an Act that aims at combating the abuse of older persons.[19]
What are the most important needs of the elderly?
The basic needs include financial security, personal security and safety, health care and health challenges, mental health, and self-actualization December 16, 2017.
Does the elderly have their own rights?
Being able to make our own decisions and go about our daily lives according to our own values and preferences is central to our dignity at any age - including when we are older. Everyone has the right to this autonomy and independence on January 25, 2018.
What is the importance of knowing about the elderly person’s rights?
Respect for older people's rights benefits society as a whole. Violations of the rights of older people lead to exclusion, poverty, and discrimination of older people. Yet, older people made key contributions to society through their experience and wisdom on Aug 20, 2012.
What are the rights violated by the elderly?
Millions of older people around the globe experience human rights violations every year, ranging from age-based discrimination and social and political exclusion to abuses in nursing facilities, neglect in refugee camps, and barriers to healthcare and other essential services. Right to be Free to Exercise Civil Rights Under the Law.
What are the five most crucial rights of the elderly?
Designate a Guardian or Representative.
Right to Right to Dignity and Respect.
Right, be Free from Physical and Mental Abuse.
Right to Communicate and Complain Regarding Treatment, Care, or Services.
Right to Privacy.
Right to Participation in Activities.
The rights of the elderly.
Some Common Questions and Limitations for Older Persons:
1. What is the position of older people: in our society?
Older people have less working ability, and contribute to a family, and older people are considered as a family burden. Because we do not have a strong social security system, lack of national laws for marginalized groups.
2. What is required to receive medical facilities?
We can see, illness because of enhancing age, decreased body resistance, and chronic disease. They face many problems in getting medical services. Because medical cost is high, they have no income source, lack of money, and no decision-making power.
3. Are old, divorced, or widowed women subject to deprivation?
We can see emotional vulnerability in the case of older people whose husband is dead or whose wife is dead and whose offspring are away from them. We can see a lack of an older friendly social environment.
4. What further steps can be taken for older persons?
Such as-
a. The elders themselves should be educated in self-care.
b. They need to have a detailed survey providing current data on the number and conditions of the aged.
c. To increase NGO services such as outdoor and indoor healthcare
d. To increase large-scale social security programs like pensions, old-age allowance, and health care
e. To implement recommendations of various international plans of action on aging and political declaration and Madrid International Plan of Action on aging.
f. Retirement age should be increased to 65 years to create opportunities.
g. Establishment of recreational facilities for old people.
Current Situation of the Elderly in Bangladesh in the Eyes of the United Nations:
There is a lack of implementation of the national policy on older people in Bangladesh, said Claudia Malar, an expert on the human rights of older people at the United Nations Human Rights Commission who is visiting Dhaka. He said this in a press conference on Thursday. UN independent expert Claudia Maller came to Bangladesh on November 7, 2022. He will visit Bangladesh till November 22. He held a press conference at a hotel in the capital yesterday afternoon. Claudia Maller said the generational disparity is increasing rapidly in Bangladesh. There is concern about this. He called for the protection of the human rights of the elderly in Bangladesh by tackling this problem through firm measures and taking planned measures.[20]
The expert said the existing national policy on the elderly in Bangladesh is welcome. However, it lacks implementation and time-bound action plans. 9 years after the adoption of the National Policy for the Elderly in Bangladesh, most of its priority programs are ineffective and neglected. Claudia Maller said the generational disparity is increasing rapidly in Bangladesh. There is concern. about this. He called for the protection of the human rights of the elderly in Bangladesh by tackling this problem through firm measures and taking planned measures.
The expert said the existing national policy on the elderly in Bangladesh is welcome. However, it lacks implementation and time-bound action plans. 9 years after the adoption of the National Policy for the Elderly in Bangladesh, most of its priority programs are ineffective and neglected.
At the press conference, the government acknowledged the challenges of the ongoing climate issue, and growing economic and financial crisis. He said, urged the government to recognize the fact that the experience and skills of seniors make a huge contribution to the family and society at the same time. Such recognition will increase support and protection for a growing proportion of the population, the expert added. Bangladesh's elderly population is growing rapidly and is becoming a problem, said Claudia Maller, who has a tradition of caring for the elderly in Bangladesh. Which is increasing the challenges in terms of health services, family relations, and social security over time. Most of the veterans I met expressed this burden on their families and society. The specific needs of the elderly are ignored. And the elderly are also neglected in the labor market. At the press conference, the UN expert on the human rights of elderly people applauded the introduction of elderly allowance in Bangladesh and called for more funds.
According to the United Nations, as of 2019, more than 1.3 million people living in Bangladesh are over 60 years of age, which is 8 percent of the country's total population.[21] Claudia Malar is visiting at the invitation of the Bangladesh government. During the visit, government representatives in Dhaka, Rangpur, and Chittagong discussed UN activities, senior citizens, academics, and civil society organizations working with senior citizens. He will present a full report on the Bangladesh visit to the Human Rights Council in September 2023.
Aging is a new problem. The world, especially in developing countries, is increasingly concerned about how older people will be supported and cared for in the new Millennium. This is a big concern. Most of the elderly in Bangladesh are not in good socio-economic status. Due to various problems such as poverty, wage discrimination, and lack of basic necessities and conditions, the current human rights situation of the elderly is not good. The United Nations has taken steps to ensure the rights of older persons. Developed and developing countries are also making efforts such as policy formulation. The Bangladesh government is aware of protecting the rights of the elderly.
1. National Elder Care Policy,2013
2. The Parents Care Act, 2013
3. The Business Standard, https//
4. Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics
5. Hawa Begum vs Malik Uddin, https//
6. United States Department of Health Service.
7. Article 41 of the Indian Constitution.
8. The Code of Criminal Procedure.
9. Article 23 of the National Federation of Senior Citizens Of the Philipines (NFSCAP).
10. The Right of Elderly Persons in Social Security, THE Council Europe Portal.
11. HOUSE Bill 7030 or Anti-Elder Abuse Act.
12., https//
13. "Aging Statistics, U.S Department of Health and Human Services, June 2010"
14. Sumit, Mazumdar; Ulf-Goran Gerdtham (13 September 2011). "Heterogeneity in Self-Assessed Health Status Among the Elderly in India.
16. Barton, E. M.; Baltes, M. M. & Orzech, M. J. (1980). "Etiology of dependence in older nursing home residents during morning care: The role of staff behavior". Journal of Personality and Social Psychology
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