We know that, independence of judiciary is very important to uphold the Constitution (supreme law of a country) and democratic system of government. Independence of judiciary is a basic structure of the Constitution. The Apex Court of a country is lawfully treated as the guardian or custodian of the Constitution. As the Judges of the Apex Court are playing an important role, so, the appointment and the removal of the Judges of the Apex Court should be transparent and meaningful.
Fact of the Case:
The petitioners of this case are practicing lawyer of the Supreme
Court of Bangladesh and are also the member of an organization named, ‘Human
Rights and Peace for Bangladesh’. Their job is to promote and defend human
rights and are establishing rule of law in the country. Petitioners of this
case filed a writ petition challenging The Constitution (Sixteenth Amendment)
Act, 2014, Article 96 which contains the provisions relating to the power &
procedure of the removal of the Judges of the Supreme Court of Bangladesh.
Argument of the Petitioner:
- A mala fide intention is taken by the
behest of political executives to amend Article 96 of The Constitution
through the Parliament for interfering the independence of the Judges as
the Apex Court of the Country already passed some decisions which is
against some of the people that is Parliament in 2013 passed a law
Contempt of Court which is held by the High Court Division void and ultra
vires to the Constitution and The Anti-Corruption Commission (Amendment)
Act, 2004, in which permission is necessary from the government to
prosecute any public servant and the High Court Division held the
amendment void and ultra vires the Constitution.
- The main function of the Members of
Parliament is to enact laws. But at present they are involved in
development works at their respective constituencies & the whole
administration system is under the control of them and most of the cases
they are from the business background. So they have the interest in
litigation as most of the time Government is the respondent of the Public
litigation. For that purposes, Judges of the Apex Court can’t deliver
verdict against them as they have the power to introduce motion before the
parliament against the Judges of the Apex Court and discuss the same and
that’s why Judges can’t deliver verdict independently and impartially.
- Independent of Judiciary is one of the
basic features of the Constitution. In many developed countries like India
the Judges of the Apex Court may be removed in the ground of misbehavior
and incapacity by passing the resolutions in their respective Parliament.
But in our Country context the influential people including Members of
Parliament ignore the law for their personal benefit. So, it is quite
different from the other country to ours. The primary objective of passing
16th amendment is to destroy the independence of Judiciary.
- The Sixteenth Amendment is ultra vires the
Constitution because it is in the direct conflict with the spirit of the
Preamble, Article 7B, Article 22 and Article 70 of The Constitution of
Bangladesh respectively. The power conferred by 16th amendment
to the Parliament is beyond the jurisdiction of it and also the violation
of basic features of the Constitution. The independence of Judiciary is
the basic features of the Constitution and according to Article 7B, it
shall not be amendable by way of insertion, modification, substitution,
repeal or by any other means. Article 22 speaks about the separation of
powers between the executive and judiciary. But 16th Amendment
gives wide power to the executive to interfere in judiciary. As the
separation of powers is also the basic structures of the Constitution, so
it can’t take away by any manner. The members of Parliament can’t express
their opinion independently because of Article 70 and removal of judges of
the Apex Court by Parliament shall be prejudiced by its implication.
- The 16th Amendment is ultra
vires the Constitution because it has undermined the dignity & the
authority of the Supreme Court as the validity of the proceedings in
Parliament shall not be questioned in any court according to Article 78 of
the Constitution. The Supreme Court is the guardian of the Constitution
and it will not allow any invasion to the judiciary. But 16th
Amendment opens the scope of invasion. In this regard 16th
amend is ultra vires the constitution.
- According to the verdict of the Supreme
Court, 5th Amendment of the Constitution is illegal and void ab
initio subject to certain condonations. The provisions relating to removal
of judges of the Supreme Court by the Supreme Judicial Council is endorsed
by Appellate Division. So the provisions relating to the removal of the
judges of the Supreme Court of Bangladesh by the Supreme Judicial Council
can’t be substituted by the Parliament violating the verdict of the
Supreme Court of Bangladesh.
- Though the removal of the Judges of Apex
Courts in USA, UK and India are happened by passing resolutions in
Parliament. They have bicameral legislature and their system of removal of
judges is so complicated and balanced by the two houses of the legislature
but in our Country legislature is unitary form and there is a possibility
to use 16th Amendment as a weapon to remove the Judges of the
Apex Court of the Country.
- The 16th Amendment is violated
the Article 147(2) & 147(4) of the Constitution of Bangladesh.
- If the power of the removal of the Judges
of the Apex Court is shifted to the Parliament, a different independent
organ of the State, it will create an indirect control over the judiciary
and affect the independence of judiciary.
- The independence of Judiciary and its
institutional independence are affirmed by Article 94(4) and 116A of the
Constitution of Bangladesh and are basic features of the Constitution. The
Constitution does not give any power to the Parliament and the executive
to demolish or otherwise curtail the independence of Judiciary in any
- The tenure of the Judges plays an
important role to declare and ensure justice, so the removal of the Judges
shall be transparent.
- According to the amended Article 96(2) of
the Constitution, Parliament has the power to make law relating to the
removal of Judges of the Supreme Court in an ordinary manner and it will
possible to change the law in favor of any political party and it will
create the bar to deliver the verdict independently.
- 16th Amendment shall create
negative impact not only upon the Judiciary but also the member of the
public service commission, Comptroller and Auditor General as well as upon
the Election Commissioner and Commissioner of the Anti-Corruption Unit.
- The Judges of the Supreme Court can’t be
removed from their office without proven misconduct and incapacity by
fair, independent and impartial body free to conduct the inquiry. If the
power of removal of Judges of Apex Court is given to the legislature then
it will be against the spirit of the independence of Judiciary.
- A mala fide intention is taken by the
behest of political executives to amend Article 96 of The Constitution
through the Parliament for interfering the independence of the Judges as
the Apex Court of the Country already passed some decisions which is
against some of the people that is Parliament in 2013 passed a law
Contempt of Court which is held by the High Court Division void and ultra
vires to the Constitution and The Anti-Corruption Commission (Amendment)
Act, 2004, in which permission is necessary from the government to
prosecute any public servant and the High Court Division held the
amendment void and ultra vires the Constitution.
- 5th Amendment of the
Constitution is illegal and void ab initio according to the verdict of the
Supreme Court subject to certain condonations and it has endorsed the
provision relating to Supreme Judicial Council and those were in condoned
till 31st December, 2012. That is why in 2011, provisions
relating to Supreme Judicial Council were introduced in 15th
Amendment and it is not necessary to think that Supreme Court is in favor
to retain the provisions relating to Supreme Judicial Council. Introducing
the provisions relating to Supreme Judicial Council in 15th
Amendment is a journey to restore the original provisions relating to
removal of the judges which is in the first Constitution in 1972. There is
no intention to dominate the judiciary by passing 16th Amendment
by the legislature and executive.
- In this writ petition no public interest
is involved and for this reason 16th Amendment can’t be
challenged in form of judicial review.
- 33% of the commonwealth jurisdictions are
introduced Parliamentary removal system of the Judges of the Apex Court.
The Westminster model is introduced in our country relating to the removal
of Judges in the ground of proved misbehavior and incapacity. The
government has the duty to restore and revive the original provisions of
the Constitution of 1972.
- Member of Parliament has no control over
the executive and they are not functioned of all development work in their
respective constituency rather they are appointed by the government as
advisers of the Upazila Parishad and they have no scope to act
arbitrarily. There is no example to expose the interest of the Members of
Parliament in any case where the Judges can’t deliver their verdict
independently. So, the independence of judiciary will not affect by 16th
Amendment of the Constitution.
- The preamble is not conflicting with
Article 96 of the original Constitution. So, 16th Amendment is
also not conflicted with the preamble as 16th Amendment
restored the original provision of Article 96 of the Constitution of 1972.
Hence, Article 7B is not conflicting with 16th Amendment.
- 16th Amendment is not creating
any bar against the independence of the judiciary rather it changed the
removal procedure of the Judges and restored the original provision of
Article 96.
- It is not true that Members of Parliament
can’t express their opinion for the existence of Article 70. Every member
has the right to express their opinion in Parliament. Removal of Judges is
a Constitutional issue and that’s why it demands a debate amongst the
Members of Parliament irrespective of their political identity. Parliament
does not involve in the matter of investigation directly rather it will
pass an Act of Parliament through which an independent body will be
created to investigate the matter relating to removal of the Judges on the
ground or misbehavior or incapacity. The accused Judge has the opportunity
to defend himself during the investigation proceeding.
- Petitioners are challenging the vires of
the 16th Amendment in form of public litigation but they are
not ‘person aggrieved’ and for that reason petition are not maintainable.
As the Parliament is not making any law relating to the amended Article
96(3) of the Constitution, the Writ Petition is premature.
- Article 7 guarantees the people that they
are the owner of all the power. This power is reflected by Article 52, 57,
74 and 96 of the original Constitution relating the impeachment of the
President, resignation of Prime Minister, removal of the Speaker and
removal of the Judges of the Supreme Court. However, Article 52, 57 and 74
remains unchanged but 96 are changed by the Martial law government which
is against the spirit of Article 7. Introducing Supreme Judicial Council,
the Martial law government takes away the power of the people which is
exercised by the Parliament. Most of the country all over the world are
exercised the removal of the Judges of Apex Court through the elected
representatives. So in our country 16th Amendment will not
affect the independence of judiciary.
- The respondent argued that power conferred
to the Parliament relating to the removal of judges is not violating
Article 96(4) and 116A.
- Independence of Judiciary is playing an
important role in a democratic country and in Bangladesh it is clearly
stated in Article 22, 94 (4), 116A, 147 and in the Eighth Amendment case
that independence of judiciary is one of the basic feature of the
Constitution. In Masdar Hossain Case, it is re-affirmed the independence
of judiciary. In the original Constitution the power of removal of judges
in the hands of the Parliament and the Parliament member has the
opportunity to express their opinion independently and free from the party
directive. The power of removal of judges of the Supreme Court in the
original Constitution stated would only be exercised after an inquiry
conducted by an independent Judicial Inquiry Committee. If the Judiciary
fails then the people will try to search alternative. The independence of
Judiciary is an essential element but the Government by enacting 16th
Amendment is trying to control over the Judiciary. Security of tenure of
the Judges is very important element to deliver verdict independently. But
16th Amendment will create the bar and abstain to deliver
verdict independently. By enacting 16th Amendment Parliament
disregard the decision of the Supreme Court. 16th Amendment is
violative the independence of Judiciary and separation of powers and also
conflicting with Article 7B of the Constitution. 16th Amendment
is clearly varied the term of office of the Judges and clearly the
violation of Article 147(2) of the Constitution. Article 88 (b) and 89(1) secured the
remuneration of the Judges and it can be discuss in the Parliament but
can’t vote relating to this matter. Article 88 (b) and 89(1) is also the
part of the basic structure as it uphold the independence of Judiciary. 16th
Amendment should not a piece of valid legislation in light of article 88
(b) and 89(1). The American system of removal of judges has been
criticized as an unsatisfactory process as political and party influence
has come into play. Due to Article 70 of the Constitution of Bangladesh,
there is a very much possibility to removal of Judges by political
interference ant the independence of Judiciary will be in a big trouble in
our Country.
- Experience is the best teacher and Article
96 of the original Constitution is not made by experience. Many countries
are not happy of their removal system of Judges by Parliament. Separation
of power must be in existence and Judiciary must be independence from the
influence of legislature and executive. But 16th Amendment is
taken away the independent structure of the Judiciary. The removal
procedure of Judges is the part of their appointment procedure. But in our
country appointment procedure is not transparent. About 70% of the Members
of Parliament are businessman and litigants. For the purpose of
independence of Judiciary they should not take part of the removal
procedure of the Judges of the Supreme Court on the ground of proven
misbehavior and incapacity. Parliamentary removal system of the Judges of
Apex Court in some countries is vague and become obsolete in the growing
constitutional jurisprudence of the independence of judiciary. Home coming
of Article 96 is conflicting with Masdar Hossain case, Fifth Amendment
case and Eighth Amendment case etc.
- The independence of Judiciary demands that the accused Judge should be tried by his peers for his misbehavior or incapacity and it is the best guarantee his independence of discharging of his functions.
- The provisions relating to the Supreme Judicial Council was introduced by Martial law government in 1977 and in 5th Amendment case it was condoned by the Appellate division of the Supreme Court of being more transparent and safeguarding the independence of Judiciary. In Civil Review Petition dated on 29th March, 2011, Appellate Division modified its earlier decision in 5th Amendment case and condoned the provision of Article 96 relating Supreme Judicial Council till the date of 31st December, 2012. After that, in 15th Amendment Article 96 introduce the provision relating to the removal of Judges by the Supreme Judicial Council. 16th Amendment will raise the question of the mind of the people about the independence of Judiciary. There is always a scope of abuse the power conferred by 16th Amendment by the Member of Parliament in case of removal of the Judges of the Apex Court of the Country. 16th Amendment of the Constitution directly violates Article 7B of the Constitution because independence of Judiciary is one of the basic structures of the Constitution. There is a question and it must be answered that is the 16th Amendment for advanced public interest or defeated it. It is observed as the 16th Amendment has defeated it. In our Country most of the legislatures have criminal records and according to 16th Amendment they will involve in the proceedings of removal of Judges of the Supreme Court of Bangladesh. It may raise conflict of interest and may become a threat of independence of Judiciary and also the rule of law. For that reason 16th Amendment is a colorable legislation and it must be declared unconstitutional.
I. The first question is that the
Petitioners are person aggrieved or not. The expression ‘person aggrieved’
means a person who is not personally affected of the concerned matter but has
sufficient interest in the matter in dispute. In this case, the Petitioners are
not personally affected by the 16th Amendment but as advocates they
have sufficient interest in the establishment of rule of law in Bangladesh and
also the interest of the independence of Judiciary. That is why, Petitioners
are treated as ‘person aggrieved’ and the Writ Petition is maintainable.
II. The respondent argued that
without formulating any law in pursuant the amended Article 96(3) of the
Constitution the Writ Petition is premature. It is opined by the Justice that
the vires of the 16th Amendment can be gone into on its own merit
under Article 102 of the Constitution whether any law is formulated or not and
the Writ Petition is not premature.
III. The Executive department is
accountable to the Legislature for the transparency of their actions and deeds.
But it is not mentioned anywhere of the Constitution that the Judiciary shall
be responsible or accountable to the Parliament. Through the 16th Amendment,
the Apex Court will accountable to the Parliament for all actions implemented
by its judges. It is against the doctrine of separation of power and as well as
the independence of Judiciary because Judiciary is an independent Organ of the
State amongst three.
IV. Independence of Judges is not
only means the security of tenure and wages but also it means their oath to
uphold the Constitution and laws without any fear.
V. From the third paragraph of
the preamble it is clear that the fundamental aim of the State is to realize
through the democratic process a society in which the rule of law will be
secured for all citizens & it is the holy duty to safeguard, protect and
defend the Constitution and maintain its supremacy. Independence of Judiciary
is one of the basic structures of the Constitution and it must be preserved,
protected and defended by the Judges of the Supreme Court at any cost.
VI. Article 88(b) and 89(1) are
basic structures of the Constitution as it upheld and protected the
independence of Judiciary.
VII. The 16th Amendment
of the Constitution may make the Judiciary vulnerable and ineffective as the
removal of the Judges of the Supreme Court may motivate by the Political
VIII. Though USA, UK, India,
Canada, Australia are practices Parliamentary removal process of the Judges of
the Supreme Court but there is a fundamental difference between them and
Bangladesh. In Bangladesh Article 70 plays an important role and hence it is
not possible to introduce the Parliamentary removal system of Judges in
IX. In validating the 16th
Amendment- political matter, the polarization of the people of our country and
necessity of voting of the two-third member of the Parliament is taken into
consideration and opined that Parliamentary removal system may collapse.
X. The independence of Judiciary
is one of the basic structures of the Constitution and tenure of Judges is one
of the core concepts of that independence. For that reason Article 96 relating
to the removal of Judges of the Apex Court is not amendable under the Article 7B
of the Constitution of Bangladesh.
It is held by the Supreme Court that the 16th Amendment
is a colorable legislation and it is violating the separation of powers amongst
the three Organs of the State. It is also violating of the independence of
Judiciary guaranteed by Article 94(4) & 147(2) of the Constitution
respectively. It also directly hit Article 7B of the Constitution. Therefore it
is declared that 16th Amendment is ultra vires the Constitution and
held void and the Rule succeeds.
Some of the country like USA, UK, India and Canada followed
Parliamentary system of removal of Judges of the Apex Court. But their removal
process is complex and our situation is quite different from them. They have
bicameral government setup and the processes of removal of judges are balanced
by the tow house. Our government is unitary form and most of the Members of
Parliament are business man and litigants. If the power of removal of Judges of
Apex Court is conferred to them, here is a possibility to misuse the power and
the tenure of Judges will become insecure. It will restrain the Judges to
deliver verdict independently. Separation of Power is very important in modern
democratic society and independence of Judiciary is one of the basic structures
of the Constitution. While removal of Judges of Apex Court will conferred to
the legislature then they will indirectly control the Judiciary which is
against the separation of Power and the independence of Judiciary. Though,
provisions relating to the Supreme Judicial Council were introduced by the
Martial Law regime of 1977 but it is condoned by the Supreme Court as it is
more transparent procedure and also it is introduced in 15th
Amendment respectively. So it can’t be stigmatized by saying that it was
introduced by Martial law regime. Hence, it was introduced in 15th
Amendment and it can’t be alter by any other means regarding Article 7B of the
We believe in separation of powers and independence of the three
organ of the country namely, Executive, Legislature and Judiciary. If any of
amongst the three organs is not working independently, it will be a biggest
concern of us. If independence of
Judiciary is hampered by any manner, it will very difficult to ensure justice.
So, independence of Judiciary is very important. This verdict is a landmark on
the ground of the independence of Judiciary.
You Can Read Also:- 7th Amendment case
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